Listen all your lovers and would-be lovers to my tale The moral of the story is not hidden Though there are some lies along the way to disguise the details The broad stroke of this picture shall render its true meaning I first collided with Geraldine on a Tuesday I believe It was so very long ago still I remember She just drifted by my window while I was pretending to be me Not yet realizing I was already forever changed by seeing her Into the cafe on the street where the faux French girls fake their slang While trying to sink their teeth into each other And all of them so dainty they must fan themselves all day Claiming the breath of the walking deathly homesick G.I. sufferers Geraldine sat alone of course nobody knew her name But I watched her from a field of wallflowers I can't remember why I ever started hanging around that place All anybody ever did was dream of dreary California The second time I saw Geraldine she asked me for a light She was trying to read a map in a shattered doorway I asked where she was running to or from or was it who She asked if I was talking back or moving forward Soon we were doing everything we could do to fall in love We tumbled from the trees into the water For awhile we were as close as the light-bulb and the moth Bouncing off a wall as it grew hotter and hotter But one day I was tempted by a fleeting song I heard Whispered from the mouth of a passing stranger Who said everything happens for a reason and I deferred Not yet realizing I was already very much in danger The walls were yellow and thin and there was no window I could open And she just laughed into her pillow until she cried And because it was a loathsome thing I did it once again With a mirth that was disposable and a lament I couldn't hide When the stranger disappeared I couldn't stomach my face What will I do now that I have betrayed Geraldine I cowered through the market and purchased every angry grape And made a wine so bitter even the drunkards appeared clean I woke up on a Sunday and Geraldine was boiling milk "You've been far away," she said as if convincing me "I am further still," I cried, "than you may really want to know" She raised a finger to her lips to say I should be listening "I've been where you stand," she said, "once I was woeful and careless But I believe everything happens for a reason." "Well there it is again", I said, and ready to confess But she said "Only the guilty are ever really innocent." She said "Only the guilty are ever really innocent."