Charles whistles everywhere that he goes, Although there is trouble everywhere he walks by. Sometimes he looks long at his face in a window. It always takes him by surprise, Those sunken eyes. Maggie daydreams behind the wheel of her car, Because it's not safe when she lies down at night. Her dreams are like the blood beneath a scar. They're there but they keep out of sight, Waiting for a green light. They bought a dog 'cause they wanted a child, To see if they could love anything as much as each other. But one day the dog returned to the wild. It was too painful to stay together. Frank and Cind (?) separated. I poured over these words with my eyes And I changed every face that I knew. Then I stacked all their lives into piles And I strung them back together for you. It wasn't hard to do. And they're sad, sad stories. Such sad, sad stories. Well, I'm sorry for removing your hands, But I just had to see your face. Now that you pose without clothes for me Return to your sad stories