I went to the market because it's near the airport To watch the planes rise and fall through holes in the atmosphere The concrete below me was cracked parched and concave And i imagined one had crashed right there in my place I stared deep down into a penzoil rainbow Ccorched on the sidewalk beneath the torch-yellow sun I stared into the colors lying face down in the gravel And i fought all of my urges to spill my own blood I stared down, deep down A reasonable man left his briefcase on a park bench As he stepped into a taxi under alcoholic influence Snd an unfaithful man washed off an invisible stench By taking a swim in the public fountain But i was watching an airplane fishtail in the sky Leaving a snow-white trail urging me to follow it high And i wanted to fly then but i was fastened to the ground So i grabbed that foresaken briefcase And i threw it in the filthy fountain An it went down, deep down