
Evil Never Sleeps


Evil has no boundaries in a world of saints and sinners
Hope and faith has a reason you'll see
Fear not my brother I'm a great believer
There's always time and room for you and me

Seek to destroy devil's work is not for fun
Pays no lost or fakes the loss of creed
Money talks and other walks careless I care
To say to you my love affair

Evil never sleeps
You will never ever miss or fail
Evil never sleeps
Greed will always make you
Bleed, I swear

What lingers in the dark harm's way? It fades away
Behind the eye of despair
Put it out of your mind you will face it now
The evil sword has spoken eternally

Seek to destroy devil's work is not for fun
Pays no lost or fakes the loss of creed
Money talks and other walks careless I care
To say to you my love affair

Evil never sleeps
You will never ever miss or fail
Evil never sleeps
Greed will always make you
Bleed, I swear