Wild Is My Day : There is nothing but hate That registers on your face And you laugh as if something was funny You are one with the earth by the right of your birth It's all worth about nothing plus nothing I know you been holding back I know you been holding back again All the hearts that you trumped They sit there bloody and plump When they swell it ain't too easy to lift them up When that river runs dry Will you stop getting high again because it's bad for your system Oh when you play that game The rich people like to play I know you been holding back I know you been holding back again Everything that you said Reverberates in my head We were wild We were wild You could make a cop cry The way you twist on the line It's not nice to be toying with children When you walk that way It ain't fair I know you been holding back again I know you been holding back again I know I know I know you been holding back again again