Overture i: the falling "adhaesit pavimento anima mea" In the tower of nova plahernae Only silence falls asleep The angels shall fall again As th river of lethe floods Overture ii: the arrive "vexilla regis prodeunt inferni" Swords shall arise from the eastern land The palace shall stain with blood He has arrived, he is among us The angel with the darkest heart In the time of seven rounds of moon The christendom shall drown in blood Behold beyond the ocean, the emperor shall rise Upon the christian nations, the crescent moon shall shine How painful the task of the angel of night Fallen in love with the children of light All desires i've turned to hate Oh the beauty of mortals, and the pain they feel No flower could last in the shadow of fright From your eyes the life shall die if you touch his tears Behold me! - such a dreadful fiend As i weep, the flowers wither beneath When all the roses are burning away Like the beauty of orchid withered to grey Overture iii: firestorms The fires were dancing under his wings Feathers were sweeping snowblizzards and winds The blaze of flame - burning the skies Under his footseps the skylines divide Lakes started flming from each tear he cried Under his wings - the storms of fire Overture iv: the oceans rise Anima mea adhesit - ancilla prodeunt inferni Qui lugent peccatum - vexilla regis inferni