All hands on deck, all hands on deck She's about to take on water! Mind the sails, mind the sails Brace yourself! Get on your knees and start to repent This is a vortex, she is a vortex This is my end It's the calm before the storm Poseidon rises through the fog To take me That bitter taste you leave that makes life harder to swallow I know you were looking for something I know you were looking for something And you expect me to break but my bones are not hollow I know I was looking for something I know I was meant to be something more This is my end, my silent descent This is a vortex, she is a vortex Get on your knees It's the calm before the storm That bitter taste you leave that makes life harder to swallow I know you were looking for something I know you were looking for something And you expect me to break but my bones are not hollow I know I was looking for something I know I was meant to be something more Harder to swallow… Meant to be something more! My bones are not hollow… Get on your knees and start to repent This is a vortex, she is a vortex This is my end, my silent descent This is a vortex, she is a vortex This is a vortex, she is a vortex I know I was looking for something… meant to be something more! That bitter taste you leave that makes life harder to swallow I know you were looking for something I know you were looking for something And you expect me to break but my bones are not hollow I know I was looking for something I know I was meant to be something more