
Eppie Morrie


Four and twenty Hielanders
Cam' frae Carron side
Tae steal awa' Eppie Morrie
For she wadna be a bride
She wadna be a bride

Oot then cam' her mither
It was a moonlicht nicht
She couldnae see her dochter
For their swords shone sae bricht
Their swords shone sae bricht

Haud awa' frae me, mither
Haud awa' frae me
There's no' a man in' a' Strathdon
Shall married be with me
Shall married be with me

They've taken Eppie Morrie, then
And a horse they've bound her on
And they hae rid o'er Carron side
As fast as horse could gang
As fast as horse could gang

Sae they came tae the minister
Held a pistol tae his breist
Oh marry me, minister
Or else I'll be your priest
Or else I'll be your priest

Haud awa' frae me, good sir
Haud awa' frae me
I daurna avow tae marry thee
Unless she's willin' as thee
Unless she's willin' as thee

Haud awa' frae me, Willie
Haud awa' frae me
There's no' a man in a' Strathdon
Sball married be wi' me
Shall married be wi' me

They've taken Eppie Morrie, then
Since better couldna' be
And they hae rid o'er Carron side
As fast as horse could flee
As fast as horse could flee

The mass was sung and bells were rung
And they'r awa' to bed
And Willie and Eppie Morrie
In one bed they were laid
In one bed they were laid

Haud awa frae me, Willie
Haud awa' frae me
Before I'll lose my maidenheid
I'll fight wi' you 'til day
I'll fight wi' you 'til day

A' __ they warssled there
Until the brak o' day
And aye he grat and aye he spat
But he couldna' streitch her spey
He couldna' streitch her spey

Haud awa' frae me, Willie
Haud awa' frae me
There's no' a man in a' Strathdon
Sball married be wi' me
Shall married be wi' me

Early in the morning
Before the brak o' day
In cam' the __ chambermaid
Wi' a goun and shirt alane
Wi' a goun and shirt alane

Get up, get up, young woman
And drink the wine wi' me
You nicht hae ca'd me maiden
For I'm sure as hale as thee
For I'm sure as hale as thee

Haud awa' frae me, woman
Haud awa' frae me
There's no' a man in a' Strathdon
Shall married be with me
Shall married be with me

Gae fetch to me a horse, Willie
Fetch it like a man
And send me tae my mither
A maiden as I cam'
A maiden as I cam'

Fetch to me a horse, Willie
Fetch it like a man
And send me tae my mither
A maiden as I cam'
A maiden as I cam'