Signum Regis

Psalm Of Life

Signum Regis

Lives of great men
Shall remind us all
That we can make our lives sublime

As departing that one day
We can leave behind us
Footprints on the sands
Of time

Life is real
Unlike an empty dream
Life is earnest
And the grave is not it's goal

"For you were made from dust
And to dust you will return"
Was not spoken of the soul

Neither sorrow nor joy
Is our destined end or way
Be a hero in the strife!

Each and every single day
Act that each tomorrow
Finds us a bit farther
Than today

Footprints might one day
Help a shipwrecked brother
To take heart again
And move on

I know life is real
Not an empty dream
Heart for any fate
Work and learn to wait