Signum Regis


Signum Regis

For many years egypt was our home
We lived and prospered, we were left alone

All has changed when new king came to power
Deeds of our fathers he ignores
Viceroy joseph's nobody to him
He hates us

Now we're enslaved
Crushed and dismayed
Forced labor we must do
It's hell what we go through
There's nothing we can do

Before daylight
Till the late night
They breath down our necks
As sweat runs down our backs
Our future is all black

Under oppression as hard as it can get
We became numerous, multiplied and spread

As our numbers grew so did their fear
Fear that we could join their enemies
Leave the country when a war breaks out
And fight them

This is not the way it was meant to be
We don't want to live this tyranny

Created equal by the almighty God
We own our freedom, pharaoh does not