Verse: There are days I get discouraged in this world of pain and woe There are times that I forget that this is really not my home But I try to view the valleys as just builders of my Faith And I set my sights on higher things and I am not afraid Chorus: I'm climbing up the mountain but I do not climb alone There's a world of fellow travelers all around to cheer me on Step by step I'm more determined I will make it all the way I'm climbing up the mountain and I'll reach the top someday Verse: I can feel the thrill of mercy with each heartache that I face For the harder that I climb is the sweeter victory tastes And although my feet are weary and my back is aching so I can hear the saints all cheering Just a few more miles to go 2004 Paragon Music Corp/Vacation Boy Music (ASCAP) (Administered by Brentwood Benson Music Publishing Inc) Heartdreams Publishing (ASCAP) (Administered by ICG Alliance Music)