Chorus: It's alright with my sould, It's alright He made me whole, My King Jesus gave me peace and it's alright, It's alright everyday, It's alright I'm on my way, My King Jesus gave me peace and it's alright Verse: Someday my life down here will be over, Someday the Master's voice will call for me, And when they lay be down beneath the clover, My soul will dwell with Him eternally, So when I lay my head upon my pillow, Yes, when I'm all alone with God at night, And though my day was like a raging billow, I hear His voice He tells me it's alright (Repeat Chorus) Tag: Well it's alright with my soul, It's alright He made my whole, My King Jesus gave me peace and it's alright, It's alright everyday, It's alright I'm on my way, My Kind Jesus gave me peace, My King Jesus gave me peace, It's alright, It's alright, It's alright, It's alright Eternal Music