Once upon a freezing December night The room was cold and I tried to fight Feelings of melancholy and despair Cause I lost an angel lady so fair Long are my days even longer my nights Gone is my life full pleasure and delight I was dreaming about Stygian shore Suddenly I heard a sound from my door Is it Lenore that I adore or is it only Raven knocking at my door I don’t know who can be there maybe a stranger from an another sphere Is it Lenore that I adore there is nobody behind of the door Is my mind going insane, deluded by a heart full of pain I close the door, sit back to my chair Still with heart full of despair Then I heard the sound again This time it was from the window frame I open the window what do I see An ancient Raven staring back at me With plumage dark as is the night My soul is lighten by a bit of light Where is Lenore that I adore Is she walking Stygian shore Is she well where is she now, will I see her can you tell me how Where is Lenore that I adore Raven responds to me nevermore My heart is stabbed like by a knife, cause I will never ever see my wife Are you angel or are you devil, Do you bring good or are you peril Will I see my wife Lenore The Ravens responds nevermore Return to hell unholy demon Suffering is what you keen on Take your beak out from my heart Leave me in pain show off, part