
Circle of Dying


Come, Life! Who you really are?
Why everyone themself defends you so?
As a virus - billions unnecessary people
Overflow the Earth and killing all around.

Come, Death! Who you really are?
Why everyone almightiness you so?
As in bad dream they forsee their future.
You are there, but why to carry on?

Come, Evil! Do you really exist?
Why everyone want to reanimate you?
I´ve seen bad people, but this was only
Their own misunderstanding and stupidity.

Come, Space! You are real always
Like an eternal certainty and question both.
I frequently thihk about you, but I find
Merely anothers mysteries instead of claim replies...

Love, Pain, Happiness, Death
Circle of life and circle of dying
Love, Pain, Happiness, Death
Who is owner? Everyone - You... I...

Present time in future is becoming past