Siege of Hate


Siege of Hate

Wear a victim's mask to become the killer 
Commit a crime to punish another 
In the middle of secret intentions 
From all the sides more innocent die 
While millions starve and slavery spreads 
Billions are spent to encourage wars 
Crimes against humanity 
Committed in the name of the people 
Who do you think you are 
To invade our homes and take our lives? 
Destroy a nation to search the enemy 
Is an unjustifiable slaughter of arrogance 
United Nations? 
What is the sense of these words? 
Where is the freedom of speech if the law is 
"You're with us or against us"? 
Respect human rights 
Respect life! 
To build a true land of the free 
We need to save the rest of our humanity 
Before the men with the power 
Erase the last traces of our dignity 
There are no winners in wars 
Life above all! 