The formula dictates I'm destined for failure; The catalog consisting only of god's choosing. All insecurities are born of a snap-shot; The stats are evident: We cannot succed if we already failed. Slave to the fourth branch of control; To the constraints on the limitations in my head; Programmed inside. Got a collar on my neck; Blame me 'cause I let it in. Down with statistics Follow your heart Programmed restrictions We tear ourselves apart. Down with statistics Follow your heart So illogistic We tear ourselves apart! The middle-class is but a slave to contentment; All of our parents are a product of classism; The greed of power-dons dictating the lesson; The lesson consisting of selfish preservation of influence. Slave to the fourth branch of control; To the constraints on the limitations in my head; Programmed inside. Got a collar on my neck; Blame me 'cause I let it in. Down with statistics Follow your heart Programmed restrictions We tear ourselves apart. Down with statistics Follow your heart So illogistic We tear ourselves apart! Down with statistics Follow your heart Programmed restrictions We tear ourselves apart. Down with statistics Follow your heart So illogistic Save yourself! Raising hell! Save yourself!