I'm starving; I'm dreaming. No solace; No ceiling. No struggle: No healing. I'm coming and leaving alone. No passion: No caring; The occupation you're wearing: The standard to which you're comparing; We're born and we're dying alone. Born, and we're dying alone. Steadfast, I'm a headcase; World against me. Headcase One of a kind dying alone. Rejection, I'm famished; I'm drowning in sadness; Taken for granted: Fuck it, I'm dying alone. Starvation; Revision; Security born of omission; Pleading to ears that won't listen: We're born and we're dying alone. Born, and we're dying alone. Steadfast, I'm a headcase; World against me. Headcase One of a kind dying alone. Birth - born and we're dying alone. Coming and leaving alone. Struggling on my own: Reach for the sun. Death - born and we're dying alone. Coming and leaving alone. Struggling on my own: Reach for the end. Steadfast, I'm a headcase; World against me. Headcase One of a kind dying alone. Steadfast, second to none, I'm a headcase; Ready to run all against me. Headcase One of a kind dying alone. Steadfast; Punishment waiting for... Headcase ... Anyone standing against me. Headcase One of a kind: Dying alone.