Sick Damnation

Devil's Hostage

Sick Damnation

You remember when you came to me when you were clean
Trying to fill your life with pleasure and moments of lust and joy

A reason to live

I gave you the chance to earn a lot with no sacrifice and now

You want to deny me

You're weak, you're dumb, naive as fuck

There is no turning back from the deal we've made before
Now you got to be the big shot with power to buy the world

Sorounded by bitches and blow

I see you crawling with no self respect thinking you deserve a chance

Praying for forgiveness

God now turns his back and leave this between you and me

I'm not forgiving or comprehensive I'm the things kids fear the most

You should obey my orders
I’ve lead you on your away
Follow me and live forever
Right now its time to pay
You're my hostage 'till death

How could God resent a son that he put in to this world
He made me while having complete understanding of my whole life

Knowing my destiny

The only one that got harmed was myself the one that went down the abyss

What do you want from me?

I know I never considered to pray or go to church

The most kind and forgiving being turns his back to me

You should obey my orders
I’ve lead you on your away
Follow me and live forever
Right now its time to pay
You are my hostage till death

There's no free will
Only time to kill
The words are final
Since the dawn of life