Cool clear morning about a quarter past nine Missed the alarm for the hundredth time 'Cause I didn't get home till three last night And the telephone rings, it's Wray on the line He says he's coming on by he'll be here by ten Got to get myself moving to be ready by then I hope the boss don't call 'cause I got to skip work But what can you do there's no place on earth like Wray's corvette Cruisin' in Wray's Corvette Cruisin' in Wray's Corvette How I wish it was mine 67 Sting Ray, four on the floor Turbine wheels and a three fifty horse Goodwood green with a saddle inside Rag top down, it's a real sweet ride She'll do a hundred and sixty in the blink of an eye Side pipes humming, ready to fly Whenever I hear the sound of his horn I hop right in, don't care where we're going in* I've got an 89 Chevy and it's just about dead But the bills keep coming and I can't get ahead One of these days I think I'm gonna explode Gonna blow this town, gonna hit the road in