This letter won't make it to you in time Introverted by your distance from me, and by mine But the chameleons who sift through the trees Are garnering a bouquet in my head's faculties And its filled with scales and perfumes wearing thin There is no flaw in you, there is no sun on your skin Where have you been all of my life? I hear a lizard tongue above my head Will you be my wife? Skin and bones and things that make my heart beat My possession my obsession, everything to me The sound of your voice and all your fingertips Is like a bible verse spilling right across your lips Waiting for my bride no longer taking it's toll Like a great horned owl swallowing fruit bats whole Now that you're here I feel a presence that I didn't before I feel your love I feel the warmth I'm feeling so much more No more stiff joints, no more skin dry and rigid You're like a funnel in my heart No longer artic and frigid I'm indebted to you, you are my only one Straight from the breath of the almighty Father, Spirit and Son