Every minute everyday It twist and turns it lives and breathes I can't get rid it strangles me The egg has hatched the demon seed Weaveled into infects my dreams Para complex pricks and pokes it irritates Cut the cord sever the ties Dig it out weed it out Cauterize Masked in disguise invited in The cuckoo leech its draining me Manipulate I can't think straight Pulls the strings behind my eyes Can't scratch the itch the parasite Guilt trip control Mind games that turn the knife Cut the cord sever the ties Dig it out weed it out cauterize Stop the flow the blood supply Starve it out kill it off Foreign body plot denied Sit in my filth Number 2 my skull Touch myself About to cum Wipe my arse Walk the dog Its always there I can't outrun Close my lids In my minds eye Im not alone Its by myside My little friend Just waits to come alive Manipulate I cannot think straight