Tom: C E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| WHEN YOU SLEEP - Shonen Knife E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Tabbed by: emery01 E-mail: From the My Bloody Valentine cover compilation (aptly [inappropriately?] titled Yellow Loveless) Tuning: Standard INTRO/VERSE BASS: | v 10th fret G|E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------||------------------------------| D|E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------||------------------------------| A|-----------7-77--7-77-------------5-55--5-55---------------7-77--10-1010--------------5-55--5-55-------------| E|8-88--8-88-------------5-55--5-55-------------8--88--8-88-----------------8-88--8-88--------------8-88--8-88-| (I mostly use barre chords but you could probably use open ones too) C Em When I look at you Am Oh, I don't know what's real Dm Once in a while C And you make me laugh Em And I'll see you tomorrow C And it won't be long Dm Once in a while C (hold over next line) Then you take me down Then you walk away Cool little bass line: G|-----------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------| A|----55-555--888--88--810-----------| E|888------------10--10--------------| CHORUS: C Dm F x2 C Em When you said 'I do' Am Oh, I don't believe you Dm C I can't forget it, no Em When you sleep tomorrow C And it won't be long Dm Once in a while C (hold over next line and into chorus) When you make me smile And you turn your long blond hair CHORUS: C Dm F "baa baba ba baa baba ba baaaaa" "When you walk away" x4 C Em When I look at you Am Oh, I don't know what's real Dm Once in a while C And you make me laugh Em And I'll see you tomorrow C And it won't be long Dm Once in a while C Then you take me down Then you walk away CHORUS: C Dm F "baa baba ba baa baba ba baaaaa" "Oooh when I look at yoou" "oh I don't know what's real" etc.. x8 enyoy! ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend