Shock Therapy


Shock Therapy

It cant fall apart willingly
Or the end will come to soon
And surprises of the gentle kind
Will break apart my world

When its raining and crying
And everyone is unclear
The distortion of a bitter life
Is holding down the thought

I see you crying, i see you hiding
Ive seen you shit right in my hands
I see you laughing, i see you fall apart
Ive seen you die right in front of my face

I know you want me to fall apart
To run in the sun, just like you
But i will burn to cinders in the blazing sun
Like ive burned so many times before

Yes, its true, im so afraid
Of living or even being alive
I thought it was true
But now i think it is wrong
Once you burn, you can never burn again

I see you crying, i see you hiding
Ive seen the blood smeared all over your face
I see you laughing, i see you fall apart
Ive let you die with your life in my hands
