


Masturbate upon the altar unto sigil baphomet
Take my cum and energy to crush my enemies
Putrefy the putrid the filth and walking shit
Leave them dead and rotting in the earth
I want to cut and rip into my skin
And to watch the blood start to begin
To drip into the cup from which I sip
Imagine your death and I start to trip
Smash your skull against the wall

I collect the pieces of your skull and scrape the brains right off the bone
I pack it deep into my bowl inhale and reap your fucking soul
Trample the weak under our chariots of steel
Crush thy enemy with the spirit of metal
Bash the bastard with the butt end of your sword
Leave him to rot in the humiliation of himself
I throw this curse with no remorse
To the death of my enemies I shall rejoice
Smash your skull against the wall
Turn into a spider away I crawl
Smash your skull against the wall