Such a lovely lie, such a stupid hoax! Philistina ignorance! now see, what you have done... Once upon a time my age was apt To absorb your impressions proberly And now i apeal to primal instincts. An idol for the upcoming tribe! Negative intake! You'll find yourself in my shadow Cultivate! The disturbance of my impulse control Aspects of fun! Murder, an extroverted suicide. This is deranged! You forced my thoghts to brutalize... Now i play god! i'm sorry! I am sorry for this Playing god! i'm sorry! I am your nemesis! Reenactment of sodom. What seems horrid to you is simply normal to me. You tried to dominate. But designed my blueprint and spawned your fate! Receive the impact! My repulsions i direct into your face Imminent assault! Don't try to postpone the inevitable Desimating your lifespan! Where is your crushable bin? Leniency! I have no such word for your kin... Now i play god! i'm sorry! I am sorry for this. Playing god! i'm sorry! I am your nemesis Such a lovely lie, such a stupid hoax! Philistine ignorance! now see, what you have done... Once upon a time my age was apt To absorb your impressions proberly And now i appeal to primal instincts. An idol for the upcoming tribe! Eve of cartharsis! Erection, orgasm in the flickering flame Powermad! Symbiosis wi 'this violent game Desecrate! Your death i will keep fresh No intervention! Until you are a twisted bag of rotten flesh Now i play god! i'm sorry! I am sorry for this. Playing god! i'm sorry! I am your nemesis!