Came back from a far away place Came kind of late So I was always sorry But you not being here You not waiting for me Are things that I can't even imagine In that spot that you were at, There is only the cold wind My heart is aching so much but I cant even cry I came for you, I followed the light but All my everything has been buried in love and has ended Just like a sunken ship When I told myself that you'd never leave, Was it just an extreme greed? Or was it just self conceit? But you werent there There was no place to go afterwards Was it that hard for you? In that spot where I loved you, the only thing that is there is my yearning Theres too much to forget, so I cant forget I came for you, I wouldnt have left you ever Everything is over for my hopeless self Just like a slowly sinking ship My greedy wanderings, My frustrating wanderings, They pushed you away from me They made your heart ache In that spot where you used to be, You were standing there I love you too much, I cant let you go Im just going to be with you because you were my light Besides, me without you, is not me at all I will wait, now I will wait for you I will stand in that spot where you were hurting Until I sink to the deepest point