Through the darkness And the bizarre proof of the initiations In the monstrous Pictures they translate sacred pages In the strangers Symbols of our ancient books Are the signs of A same doctrine, carefully hidden Artmagika! ... shoget! ... artmagika! ... shoget! (solo guitar) Where your blood is life. pain (pain) Wind tearing hatred. badness (badness) Orgies through centuries. sabbath (sabbath) Satirical and frantic demons. geenna (geenna) Full woods of spirits Oracles frightening to the crowd The moon is bleeding From the sky the corpses wakes up Articulating Fatal words that the night resound Fallow dead course This is hatred! Belcebuth - adramelech - nebiros - yog sothoth Eloim - adonai - sabaoth - agia Incubus - sucubus - regained paradise Astharoth - curse - leviathan Earthly hell! somewhere of cosmos! This is the paradise Infernal fight Beasts and angels Earthly hell! somewhere of cosmos! This is the paradise They are fighting between The good and the evil! Beasts and angels! ------------------------------------------------ (solo guitar) Angels and demons! Beasts and human beasts! "the shadows ... of the temple ... of disgrace ... forever".