The creation of the son by means of the arcane in the ethereal plane In the dream state swapna will be complex Goes to your lance in shamadi The conscience must stay awake For being able to move of real mode It wakes up It will act in a state of superior conscience Oh! to enjoy the deepest states of power The creation in a physical level Is the union of iccha bia agape with a process in swapna The son appears in an akasico level That is in relation to the state of absolute conscience turiya And is created in the state of briah Of the spiritual atziluth... plane atziluth Soon one forms in the fourth dimension. after of yetzirah And one takes shape in three dimensions assiah. assiah! Atzuth turiya briah swapna Yetzirah thelad assiah jagrat Sushupti nox nuit sushupti no Atzuth turiya briah swapna Yetzirah thelad assiah jagrat Sushupti nox nuit sushupti no