Looking back on past mistakes, and how we acted way back when, I would replace everything I said, but the truth is I am no better now than I was then. These days we are waving our new banners, making references to old songs, and wanting to laugh like kids again, wishing we had never given up on what we had. You know I can't change, I know you feel the same. I wish you'd hear me out, I hope you understand this seems so wrong. What will you do when I'm gone? These days we are waving our new banners, making references to old songs, and wanting to laugh like kids again, wishing we had never given up on what we had. We can't change who we used to be. We can't go back now. We can't take back the things we said. These days we are waving our new banners, making references to old songs, and wanting to laugh like kids again, wishing we had never given up on what we had. Wanting to laugh like kids again.