Around this seedy Edge of town There's a broken bar Where no one goes too far I saw her standing There from the corner I could feel That lonesome stare Bartender make that two I withered my way thru This busted sight Walked right up to her And said tonight I'm gonna love you up I handed her the cup I think she knew She said I guess you'll do Such a lonely night dear So why be alone We can drink all night here And then go back home Start this party On the front lawn Chorus: We'll stay in bed Until the morning's gone And let this linger on a bit How many times Can I make you come All the way So grab yourself A big handful and hold on I won't stop Till the work gets done Time went by We boozed it up All night And she was Looking out of sight I swear I'd fell in love And she was saying shit That made my blush Oh the things I'll do We went out to the street Hailed a cab And poured ourselves Into the back My buzz was going strong She shed every hindrance And her thong Oh, let's make a move (Chorus) Oh, she's such A gorgeous thing She tastes like wine And she shakes like a leaf I had her screaming You're the king Again, again and again So here she is spread out Before me like a flower But I don't know her name (Chorus)