Shaun Groves

My Enemy

Shaun Groves

Used to be the smiter came 
Struck my cheek and I cursed his name 
Used to be my fist was drawn 
My heart was stone and its mercy gone 
I was wrong to breath 
Any words but these 

Peace and mercy 
Invade every soul that hurts me, I pray 
Peace and mercy 
Invade every soul that hurts me 
Love my enemy 
Love my enemy 
Like you loved me 

Used to be I rolled the dice 
Held the spear and I broke your side 
Water, blood and mercy ran 
Turning foes to forgiven friends 
I'd be wrong to give 
Any less than this 

Peace and mercy 
Invade every soul that hurts me, I pray 
Peace and mercy 
Invade every soul that hurts me 
Love my enemy 
Change my enemy 
Forgive my enemy 
Love my enemy 
Like you loved me