Shania Twain

You Shook Me All Night Long

Shania Twain

He was a fast machine,
He kept her motor clean,
He was the best damn woman that I ever seen,

He had sightless eyes,
Telling me no lies,
Knockin' me out with those American thighs,

Taking more than her share,
Had me fighting for air,
He told me to come, but I was already there,

'Cause the walls started shaking,
The earth was quaking,
My mind was achin',
And we were makin' it and you...

Shook me all night long,
Yeah you, shook me all night long.

Walking double time on the seduction line,
He was one of a kind,
He's just mine all mine,

Wanted no applause,
It's just another cause,
Made a meal out of me, and come back for more,

Tried to cool me down,
To take another round,
Now I'm back in the ring to take another swing,

But the walls were shaking,
The earth was quaking,
My mind was aching,
And we were making it and you...

Shook me all night long,
Yeah you, shook me all night long,
Knocked me out, I said you
Shook me all night long,
Had me shaking and you,
Shook me all night long,
Had me shaking,
Well you shook me...

You really shook me and YOU!
Shook me all night long,
Aaaaahaaaahaaaah You...
Shook me all night long,
Yeah yeah you,
Shook me all night long,
You really got me and you,
Shook me all night long,
Yeah you shook me,
Yeah you shook me,
All night long.

Ela era uma máquina veloz
Ela mantinha o motor limpo
Ela era a melhor mulher que eu já conheci

Ela tinha os olhos invisíveis
Não me contava nenhuma mentira
Me deslumbrava com aquelas coxas americanas

Encantando mais do que ela toda
Tenho lutado pelo meu espaço
Ela disse vem mas eu já estava lá

Pois as paredes começaram a tremer
A terra estava tremendo
Minha mente estava doendo
E nós estávamos fazendo amor e você-

Me sacudiu a noite toda

Trabalhando a passos rápidos
Na linha da sedução
Ela era a única, ela é só minha, toda minha

Ela não quis nada de aplausos
Apenas outra vez
Fiz uma refeição pra mim e voltei querendo mais
Tive que me refrescar
Dar outra volta
Agora eu voltei ao ringue para dar outra sacudida