The chasing girls was easy and drinking been was fun And he went out one day and bought himself a gun, He shot a couple of coppers and he joined the IRA, And the papers called him Paddy Public Enemy No. 1 The Coppers in the north they couldn't catch him The British army they just couldn't touch him He shot a couple of coppers and he joined the IRA, And the papers called him Paddy Public Enemy No. 1 One day the knock came at the door, they hauled him away, The IRA they kicked him out when he was still in jail When he got outta jail he shouted up the IRA And the papers called him Paddy Public Enemy No. 1 The factions all were fighting Their deadly power game He said fuck them all and left the INLA Wherever there was trouble There was Paddy and his gun And the papers called him Paddy Public Enemy No. 1 One day he tired of it all and hung away his gun When he hung away his gun he became the hunted one He went into a phone box to make a local call, They shot him in the phonebox Splashin blood upon the wall But when he hung away his gun he became the hunted one And that was the end of Paddy Public Enemy No 1.