Tom: Db buddy "Albert K." and was edited by me, "Eric Chang." If you would like to hear this part played, please visit the following website : http://*?v=A2MSgCH0qiU&search=shane%20the%20answer also, the chords may seem to be "incorrect", but the way the chords are tabbed are the that they are to be played for this particular song. Notes : The song will be broken up into 3 parts (verse, bridge, chorus) like how I it. The accompaniment part is on the 4th capo, and you'll be playing chords in C major. It consists of variations of: C, F, Am, G, and one odd-ball chord that I dont know the name of. Verse: All finger picking-- if you pick it exactly the number of times its written, you be spot on. After that, just repeat the 4 chord sections as many as they do (i think in one verse) 1st chord is variation of Am e-----------------| B-------------1---| G--2-2------h2----| D--2-2----h2------| A--0-0---0--------| E-----------------| Next is G Variation e-----------------| B--0-0---1-3-3--5-|