Shane Baker


Shane Baker

A trace of love and innocence lingers in these halls

I think you've…been here before

Remnants of what used to be

a haven for the sinners and the…unspoken for

How'd we ever let it get this far?

I know you chose to use your people to spread the message of your love

Both near and far

Broken souls lie at our feet while we stand and lift our hands and sing,

Here I am send me…send me

We could be beautiful

The bride of Christ could be so breathtaking

Laying down our lives would be so life changing

we could be beautiful

Made in your precious image

images are all we seem to…worry about

Lines are blurred and colors faded

The canvas of this life you painted is…cracked and torn…I'm torn


Help me to see

through your eyes and be

the hands and the feet of your love