Sham 69

George Davis Is Innocent

Sham 69

Everything they want to pin on you 
Everything you say and do 
Looking through their photofits 
See your face and your face fits 
George Davis is innocent 
George Davis is innocent 
George Davis is innocent 
All the world's gonna write about you 
All the world's gonna know about you 
They want to put you on News At Ten 
If you don't talk it'll happen again 
George Davis is innocent 
George Davis is innocent 
George Davis is innocent 
I'm never gonna leave you alone 
They're never gonna leave you alone 
Everything you say and do 
May be used against you 
George Davis is innocent 
George Davis is innocent 
George Davis is innocent 
They're never gonna leave you alone 
They're never gonna leave you alone 
They know where you bloody live 
East London is your home 
George Davis is innocent 
George Davis is innocent 
George Davis is innocent 