As I look at my face in the mirror I see the wounds caused by the time What was innocent and clear formerly Today it's filthy by the dirts of the world As I look at him, and see as it changes I feel the breath of death and destruction on it It's beauty and grace charms me sometimes Then the sorrow of the mortality dominates me In the desert of eternity Our life is just a grain of dust But this grain of dust is the all for us And we'll never die, leaving our mark The body of my friends keeps atrophy My future runs out, too, only the past remains Death only takes what's not worthy of life away So mortality is nothing else, as a purgatory As I walk in the sea of life Salty water more and more bites my body Large waves attack me And I feel, as my lung is filling up with the water of death In the desert of eternity Our life is just a grain of dust But this grain of dust is the all for us And we'll never die, leaving our mark But this grain of dust is the all for us And we'll never die, leaving our mark