Tell me you wish I could be someone else
Someone unrealistic and bleak like yourself
We can learn to love cause I can relate
So expose me for just who I am as of late
I've been searching for years in route for escape

Lost cause, tattered claws, dismembered past
Drowned in dead seas but riddled with moss
Rich with insecurity, my business is thriving
Help wanted flashing in the windows we're hiring
Looking for a soul who inspires the soulless

Good luck friend I wish you well
It's hell but it sure as hell sells

My misery does not want you around
I am a selfish nightmare nothing short of hellbound
Let me be you for a day

I'll make the devil proud

Tell me you wish I could be someone else
Someone unrealistic and bleak like yourself
We can learn to love cause I can relate
So expose me for just who I am as of late
I've been searching for years in route for escape

Lost cause, tattered claws, dismembered past.
Drowned in dead seas but riddled with moss.

My time is telling the future in past tense sentences.
It's all my thought's senses entangled within the barbs of black iron fences.
What's this all about?
Please figure me out