Shadow Of Sadness

Shock Wave

Shadow Of Sadness

Run Run the faster you can 
'Cos maybe it won't be enough to save your life 
Try Try a little more You still have a chance 
But maybe you'll get it Runaway from the light 
Get in an alley Hide yourself under the bed 
Or else the shock wave will shatter your bones 
The bomb has exploded away from here 
But its heat won't take long to come 
Burning and killing everything behind you 
Run the faster you can Throw yourself into an abyss 
Or feel the oxygen being sucked from your lungs 
The approaching wind sucks souls on its way 
There's nowhere to hide 
Running away is the only solution 
Adrenaline chokes up your body 
It's the most original animal instinct trying to save you 
There's so much fear it suffocates the thoughts 
The dry mouth makes the tongue get rough 
Just the legs seem to work 
Keep running the faster you can 
Run from the shock wave 
Run for your life 
Because there's only you There's no hope for those left behind 
Your life passes through your eyes 
While you see the exit in front of you 
Run Run the faster you can 
'Cos the shock wave will take your future away 
Everything's gone No lasting memories 
Everything's lost No stories to tell 
All you see is destruction Twisted metal 
Rotten corpses Wasted dreams