Shadow Of Sadness


Shadow Of Sadness

A blurry image A shadow in the fog 
At each blink of eyes the image approaches 
It's me I begin to run without direction 
Nobody is following me I'm alone 
Now I hear steps Distant But near enough I'm afraid 
Who is screaming? I see … 
I see a stone wheel with thorns When it rotates the thorns pierce my eyes 
I cannot see anymore The wind guides me What the hell is this? 
What is happening? I wanna get out of here 
I wanna wake up Nerves explode Bones split 
Teeth crack The exit seems not to exist Leave me alone 
Let me live in peace Finally I see a light 
Would this nightmare be at the end? This rain of blood that won't stop 
I walk in the direction of the light but it seems I'll never reach it 
And I never will The blue shine becomes red 
And blood begins to shed of my eyes I have to control my mind 
This can't be real I don't belong to this world 
I want my life back Cursed nightmare 
The wind blows I walk but I don't hear my steps 
I only listen to the wheel that still rotates 
I scream but the wind brings no answer 
I keep on walking until I find a mirror My face looks older 
The reflex is going back At each blink of eyes 
I'm alone again