First in line to win First in line to sacrifice First in line to be last to dine Those with the weakest Hand were picked to dig through the six that would be theirs No more feeling and no more emotions Sacrificed to those first in line oh end my pain This endless pain, smile Smiling at the grave that's yours Smiling at the icon that confronts you Smiling at your last hope Smiling at your end. The Reaper enters Days of old catching your ear When you used to know your way When you weren't lost to your pain But you dug your own grave and now you sleep You died while you slept, no prayer could help you now No soul was left for him to take, just the six feet that made you happy No more feeling and no more emotions Sacrificed to those first in line oh end my pain This endless pain, smile Smiling at the grave that's yours Smiling at the icon that confronts you Smiling at your last hope Smiling at your end. The Reaper enters