Shaded Enmity

Collapse of Conciousness

Shaded Enmity

Trapped inside the circle
The revision of a vision failed
Perpetuating the end of days
Failure of the phallacy revealed

Bread through festering misconception
Paradoxical interpretation
Contorted histroy powerful misinformaton
Passed down through generations
Mass confusion through symbolism in opposition

What is learned?
What is learned from your book?
What can't be learned?
What can't be learned from your book?

Precious incantation of myth and imagination
Moral manifest of all that's pure and rightous
Desire to maintain order over another human being
Subjugation through supression of our very history

What is learned?
What is learned from your book?
What can't be learned?
What can't be learned from your book?

How long will take for this holy mistake
to erase itself from the face of this world?
How long will it take before the collapse of consciousness
concquers the minds of the corrupted?

What will but the will of man
forges anything upon this earth?