
Revive Me


Who is like Him (repeat) Him alone are the Most High King we say
(Rewind selector)

Oh Lord my God Creator lover of my soul Lord we praise You not one can match Your beauty wonderful counselor strength sustainer You fill me up with rivers of joy I know I've obtained your favor reasonable service worship is more than fallible hands we raise up sweet smelling aroma hold up faithful and true are Your ways righteousness never fading neither is Your saving grace when You go before me whom shall I fear why then shall I be afraid for You are a warrior Lord the glorious one and ancient of days

Revive me when there ain't no hint no light no day
Revive me when I just cant' seem to see the way
Revive me come father we plead for your mighty strength
Revive me You're so amazing come shower down mercy Father revive me

For you are the Lord of heaven and earth anointed one Yeshewa as well as the lamb the conquering lion of all the tribe of Judah soon You will return but come to the earth to be the rightful ruler until then we serve You given You worship singing hallelujah no matter if they tell us to ssshhh we not gonna hold it down we ready for sure tell all of the earth that there is one God alone because of emersion know the unworthy bow down before Your throne for You are the rock the builders rejected no the corner stone

My strength shall come from Jehova most high I will rest in Your promise and surrender my life up all praise glory honor be unto you Father eternal God and reviver

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