
Utukki Limnuti (Summoning Of The Seven)


Facing to the west - this night belongs to us
The earth is trembling, shaking in fear
And the gates of marduk raped, burnt and crushed
Retribution - the tyrants are here!

Utukki limnuti are the seven!
Seven evil demons they are!
Seven are they that we summon!
Seven are our protectors!
Tiamat's dreams are the seven
Created by magic of hubur they are!

They ride the wind of terror
They ride the waves of death
They burn the earth with the flames of hate
They are the seven that we now invocate!

Seven they are - the starving ones
That tears the angels flesh from their bones
That spills their blood as rain
Utukki limnuti - they are sovereign!

As above - the seven rules the sky
So below - the seven rules the earth
Retaliation, you have seven faces
But yet you carry only one name

(Utukki limnuti)

Tiamat! - almighty mother we summon the seven
Absu! - o' father of the deep we summon the seven
Hubur! - by the darkest of magic we summon the seven
Kingu! - with the powers of your blood we shall burn the heaven