Crawl down from beyond the stars Rise from beneath the sand of time From wastelands and black deserts Let your storm of damnation chime May your wind sing songs of destruction And bring cleansing fever upon men Each sacrifice will mark your road As you draw the line in the sand Come forth! Demon Come forth! Hunger Come forth! Omega Who will tear everything asunder Your roaring is the flood-storm And your mouth is hellfire Your breath is the sting of death Commence now the time of ire Murder-hungry and violent fiend The light you hold is unmatched and unopposed Your rage is like the (scorching) sun in a barren desert Thou will not rest until boundless chaos is restored Come forth! Demon Come forth! Hunger Come forth! Omega Who will tear everything asunder Your roaring is the flood-storm And your mouth is hellfire Your breath is the sting of death Commence now the time of ire Strike upon he who accepts everything that is offered He who with bloody knees kiss the feet of the God abhorred Alone you are unbowed, unbent and unbroken Hungry and restless the beast has awoken Come forth! Demon Come forth! Hunger Come forth! Omega Who will tear everything asunder Your roaring is the flood-storm And your mouth is hellfire Your breath is the sting of death Commence now the time of ire Undoer of the greatest and the least Unmaker of the mourning and the feast Whose grip is made firm on men's neck To cleanse, wreck havoc and to wreck Power absolute, I offer your salute As you reap firmly and resolute Out of the blood of many Rises your river of epiphany Share your flame with me And I will rage with you