Molok, horrid King, besmeared with blood Of human sacrifice, and parents' tears Though, for the noise of drums and timbrels loud Their children's cries unheard that passed through fire Open up your hungry blazing black eyes That cut through stones and consume all hylic lies Behold before thee the resurrected child As I return to burn, in the crematory of rampant fire wild Let me enter through the Last Gate of the Seven Hells Scorch my body, and shatter the vessel Illuminate the inner gateways That lead to the interior Fire of the Self In ember and flare, receive my vessel now As an oblation to your formless Shadow Watch the fumes rise in the afterglow As the debris of ash is falling like snow Let now your fires erupt the firmament As I burn my flesh as a sacrament Like smoke from your furnace shall I ascent Molok let me pass through your fires and transcend (As the mouth without measure divulge the path that leads back to Nothingness Let me enter the eternal grace of the Abyss, where All must Return) Silent roars of Tehom, enter now into my mind Let the imprisoned Spirit liberation find All consuming Fire, enter now into my heart Burn the oppressive chains that hinders my depart Eradicator of finite forms, enter now into my soul Liftoach Shaari ha-Sheol