
Lord Of Putrefaction


Oh great Master of Oreb Zaraq
Holder of keys of destruction and resurrection
Monarch of Unfated Death
Guide my Soul's Liberation toward the Spirit's Coronation
As the conditioned Ego is shattered upon crossing your doorway
Slain and left for carrion
And the flesh devoured by your birds of prey
Ravens of Dispersion
Bear me across the stormy waters of the Astral yawn
Carry me through the Sea of Death towards the Black Dawn

Midst flame and fire with fierceness (I was) upward driven
By the herald of Death my mangled form was riven
Carried into the revolting graveyard of my flesh's mortality
There all life putrefy in the Qlipha of Baal's obscurity
Upon the burial ground where the blood of your enemies flow
That waters the soil of the Fireborn, and allows their Spirits to grow
Enthroned by Qayin and his bride united as one
Master who burn all bridges crossed, behold your exiled Son
Unbridled lust of the Black Venus, Goddess of Perversion
Lord of the Shadows of Death, Metzach's subversion
Open up your merciless/merciful path where the flesh of Abel will depart
And receive the enemy within in the cold grave of your heart
As I sow in blood, so I shall reap in joy
And by the rhythm of war, the limited clay is destroyed
Initiate me, as I travel through the Dark Night of the Soul
Kindle the flame of Salvation, let it burn in depths as black as coal

Baal of mysteries of death in life and life in death
Baal of death as ending, death as change and death as rebirth
Transforming Lord of Decay and Bloodshed, open now your shell
Murder the illusory body imposed by the Thoughtful El
Because only by facing your utter darkness can I find clarity
As I wander the lonely path of Death's Dominion and Verity