Come Mother, come! Awake shadowed dragon - snake of the salted sea Whom dreams of vengeance, a time that soon shall be Dragon mother, arouse from the deepest depths And grant me the powers of Immortality Serpent of Chaos - who was all when all was nothing Spread your wings, arise from the waters of wisdom Shatter the earth, unfold in all your beauty So it is written, so let it be done The tablets has shown us the future to come Ama-Ushumgal-Anna Sumu Mushussu Tiamat Ana-Ku, Sa-Mi Mu-Zu Silim-Madu Mummu Tiamat! Silim-Madu Ama-Ushumgal-Anna! Come Mother, come! Reveal to me where I came from Manifest your chaos night Come mother, I call you as your son No longer shall we shun the light Take me under your wings, and carry me home Silim-Madu Ama-Ushumgal-Anna! Silim-Madu Mummu Tiamat! Mother Chaos Enslave!!!