In covenant with tri-winged maelstrom! I return to the soaring Ignis Down unhasting spiral of the aeonic line Toward the core that breaks through Dust clouds and haze Wheee Triglav's glory enlights! Sempiternal! Triglav's Triskhelion A guidance for howling wolves Transition of the spawn into the veiled divine The hand that is raised to strike out In everlasting sanguine strife! In tri-winged maelstrom! Enlightment in sacrificial rite Astral silence pervading In the dark theatre of sanguinary strife The centre of a star in Navia Supreme shaman's exultation As he plunged in the tyrant his steel In the stardust fractal A spark begotten of the Sun Sacred blood in motion Controlling life force of an aura bound in stone Almighty! Triglav's Triskhelion A guidance for blind-sighted In fresh myrtle my blade I entwine Like Svarog when he made a libation Of tyrrany's blood Unfolding the soul until life is transformed Controlling the vibration of the highest Sempiternal! Triglav's Triskhelion The one blessed in nothingness Sovereign of Navia A garment of the spirit Interstellar elixir of life Victory of the soul over circumstance A luminous vestment in aura of this land Divine power!