
Twilight Of Evergreen


I rule in solitude,
Monarch of night's pale embracing light
Born from mortal flesh, transformed to ice
Angel that survived the demon's kiss
From his crimson soul received the gift

I transcend mortality, consternation has no reign of me
Beauty now exists in all I see
Satisfied that all I want is mine
Disaffected by the pass of time

Swift, decisive, instinctive, incisive
Silent sophisticate, subversive seducer
Fearless, relentless, ruthless, remorseless
Entwining, enticing, confounding, consuming
Regal replenishment, essence of life

One greed, one passion, one burning desire
A thirst to be quenched, insatiable fire
The supreme attainment, relinquished each night
Euphoric indulgence, existence revived

Emotion, a blazing pool, intensified beyond control
Perceiving effect anew, tainted with this deathless hue
Glory frames each disposition, augments every complex mood
Entrancing its composition, enlightening its over view

As decades passed me by
Time struck such wounding blows
I remained while loved ones died
Now in anguish I'm alone. Alone

Anonymous, concealed, passing like death's shadow
I am but a legend
A myth from some other time
Such is the irony, and paradox
That assures my continuance, forever
In a twilight of evergreen

Swift, decisive, instinctive, incisive
Silent sophisticate, subversive seducer
Fearless, relentless, ruthless, remorseless
Entwining, enticing, confounding, consuming

One greed, one passion, one burning desire
A thirst to be quenched, insatiable fire
The supreme attainment, relinquished each night
Euphoric indulgence, existence revived